It’s been a while since I’ve posted any news, so I thought it was time I did.
I’ve received some very positive feedback on my early drafts of Naiad, and now I have to find the time to do another pass over the manuscript myself. But I’ve been putting that off. I want more progress on the third book before I publish Naiad; you’re not going to like me very much if the follow on from Naiad is slow coming out. Yes, that’s a hint.
The third book is somewhere around half-done I think. I reached 100,000 words in the last few days (that count will come down after editing). It’s been going well, but I can’t yet say when it will be finished. This third one is more ambitious than what has gone before and that has, at times, had me feeling inadequate to the task.
My writing time is still mostly restricted to the wee hours of the morning, so that doesn’t help things to happen quickly. But I’ll keep at it, I want see how this all comes out as much as you do.