About This Website

The website was created in WordPress using the Atahualpa theme (with a few minor alterations).  The majority of the photos on this website were taken by (and are copyright to) the author (G. M. Worboys) or his wife (who gave her permission for them to be used).  Exceptions will be noted.

If you have comments or suggestions for this website, or if you find errors or have any difficulties using this website I would be pleased if you could leave a comment against this post, or send me an email at: website_enquiry@gmworboys.com

3 comments to About This Website

  • Hi gmw,

    I’m Bookpossum from the New Leaf Book Club, and have just been having a look at your website. Congratulations on having three books published. I also just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your various photographs, as I’m a photographer of birds in particular, but also of other creatures, plants, etc.



    • gmw

      Oh my goodness. If I’d known I was going to have a visitor I would have spruced the place up a bit. 🙂 I am very pleased that you like the photos. One of the joys, and distractions, of where I live is the abundance of fascinating flora and fauna. Thanks for visiting.


  • It looks pretty good to me! Sorry I didn’t realise you had replied.



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