It's July again!

I can’t believe it’s a year since I posted here last. What can I say? I’ve been busy. I’ll say more later, but for now …

The Smashwords July Summer/Winter Sale is on again. For the month of July many e-books are available at big discounts, including my books. Until July 31st you can get [Read more…]

Smashwords July 2014 Promo

After an extended absence – this always a busy time of year for me – I finally found the time and opportunity to do a little bit of promotion with my books: The Smashwords July Summer/Winter Sale.

For the entire month of July many e-books are available at Smashwords at big discounts, and this includes [Read more…]

Dryad is here!

Three weeks ago my last news post said that Dryad was on its way. Well (drum-roll please) it’s here! I can see Dryad, both e-book and print editions, on enough sites now that I feel I can safely say that Dryad has arrived. And not only that, my very own box of the Dryad [Read more…]

Strange Prisoners

Dryad is prefixed with a quote from Plato’s The Republic, specifically his allegory of the cave. This is something I came across and re-read only after I was well in to writing the book. I can’t even remember what I was researching at the time, but it struck me as something that comes close to [Read more…]

Dryad is on its way

When I launched this website two weeks ago I had thought there were just a few minor details to finalise before Dryad would be available for purchase. But it has all taken longer than I really expected – no one’s fault except mine. It’s my first time through this process, and I underestimated just how [Read more…]


Contemporary Fantasy Novel, 366 pages.   Available now, details below.

Dryad The Narun – Book One

John Caldor, tormented by grief after his wife and daughter were killed in a car accident, feels his mind break; he can feel the cold breeze blowing through the crack that has opened deep inside his [Read more…]