Dryad is here!


Three weeks ago my last news post said that Dryad was on its way. Well (drum-roll please) it’s here! I can see Dryad, both e-book and print editions, on enough sites now that I feel I can safely say that Dryad has arrived. And not only that, my very own box of the Dryad print edition arrived today – see the photos.

The Kindle edition of Dryad showed up on Amazon within a few days of that last post, and the EPub edition showed on a few more sites just a few days later … but some others are proving rather slower. The print edition was approved only a week ago, and is already showing as available on places like Amazon and The Book Depository. (Links on the Dryad book post, for those that want them.)

If you don’t find Dryad with your favourite reseller already, you may want to give it a few more weeks, some places are faster than others. Or you may be able to order the book using the ISBNs provided on the Dryad book post.

I’m very happy with the job the printers did. (Printing done by Lightning Source, for those that are interested.) So I thought I’d add a couple more photos (printed books are a lot more photogenic than e-books):

Books 2

6 comments to Dryad is here!

  • Susan

    Hi Geoff,
    I’m loving your book and have been letting others know about.
    Yes there are people out there.
    Hoping the next is not to far away.
    Thank you for all the effort to publish it.
    Regards Susan

    • gmw

      Thanks heaps for visiting, and for spreading the word. The next, “Naiad”, will be published in a few months I hope, and the third is definitely underway.

  • Erika

    Geoff – an excellent read, good to hear that Naiad will be available soon. Waiting months or years for the next instalment can be agonising, so most pleased that particular bed of nails won’t be in use for long!

    Making good art takes courage and persistence. Congratulations!

    • gmw

      Thanks for dropping by, and for the encouragement. Persistence I can manage, courage comes easier some days than others.

  • Julia

    Hi Geoff,
    Got through Dryad in three days – a fantastic read!
    Cannot wait for Naiad to come out, whoever said “patience is a virtue” definitely wasn’t waiting for an instalment in a good book series!

    • gmw

      Wow. Thanks. Oh look, he’s blushing. 🙂
      Thanks for letting me know, every bit of encouragement helps.

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