It's July again!

Spotted Quail-ThrushI can’t believe it’s a year since I posted here last. What can I say? I’ve been busy. I’ll say more later, but for now …

The Smashwords July Summer/Winter Sale is on again. For the month of July many e-books are available at big discounts, including my books. Until July 31st you can get the e-book edition of Dryad for FREE, and the e-book editions of Naiad and Nereid for 50% off. Just click on the links below and follow the instructions on the Smashwords site to claim your discounts.

Dryad – FREE
Naiad – 50% off
Nereid – 50% off


Where have I been?

I’ve thought about writing here quite often over the last few months but when it actually came to doing it I was stumped. What would I say? There has been no exciting news with my writing. I am trying to work on a couple of projects, and I have managed a few short stories (not yet polished enough to publish), but otherwise I’ve been flat out with work (the work that pays enough to put food on the table). Even the early hours of the morning have been stolen away by the need to keep up with work. So the only thing I seemed to have to blog about was that I had nothing very interesting to say. And now I’ve said it. I hope to have something more interesting to add before too much more time goes past.

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